Saturday, January 03, 2009

Iowa Book Doctors and the Hippocratic Oath

I have no direct information about whether the Iowa Book Doctors ( are good or not, but it seems like an interesting organization headed by Cheeni Rao, a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop who has a book coming out from HarperOne in April. I love the Hippocratic oath on the website:

We swear to fulfill, to the best of our ability and judgment, this covenant:

We will help those who ask for our assistance, gladly share our knowledge, and teach them how to reach their goals.

We will apply all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of over-treatment and therapeutic nihilism.

We will remember that warmth, sympathy, and understanding are as necessary as constructive criticism.

We will respect the privacy of our clients, for their problems are not disclosed to us that the world may know.

We will teach the craft of writing whenever we can, for teaching a writer how to write effectively is a far better course than leaving them alone to toil in confusion.

If we do not violate this oath, may we enjoy life and art, respected while we live and remembered with affection thereafter. May we always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of our calling and may we long experience the joy of helping those who seek us.

PS: Why am I highlighting a competitor? Because there is no such thing as competition. We all do different things for authors. I also like Where Books Begin,

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